"Jurassic World" Themed B-Day Party for 8yr Old

My sweet boy (and youngest), Brayden, just turned 8yrs old on July 11th and to celebrate we took him and his friends to Sky High Sports. It's an indoor trampoline place that my boys LOVE! They allow parents to jump too which makes it a lot of fun. I highly recommend it for kids of all ages if you are looking for a venue to host your childs next party. The staff was super nice and accommodating. Should I mention that I was expecting 12 kids, but 22 showed? No, I'm not kidding! I instantly turned into a panic, but our party guide helped make sure we had enough of everything that we needed. Phew! I thank God for him! To learn more about Sky High Sports Click HERE!

Brayden was very adamant on having a “Jurassic World” themed birthday party, but I’ll have you know that you can’t find Jurassic World (or Jurassic Park for that matter) themed party favors ANYWHERE! Trust me, I looked! So, I got creative and made up my own themed party.
For the goodies bags:
First, we went back to Party City and picked up…
(2) 12-pack Solid Black Bags
(1) Large Bag of Brayden's Favorite Candy Mix
(1) Large Bag of Mini Dinosaur Toys
Second, we went back to Target to pick up…
(1) Large Box of Welch’s Fruit Snacks
(4) 6-pack Giant Balloons (my boys LOVE these so I figured their friends would too)
(4) 4-page packs of Dinosaur Stickers
Third, we came home and got artistic…
We printed out 24-mini Jurassic World logos. We cut them out and used glue sticks to paste them onto the bags for some appeal. We divided up all of the toys, candy, balloons and stickers into the 24-bags. Thank the Lord once again that I overly prepared for more kids than whom RSVP’d! Our finishing touch was adding our incredible custom cookies. It’s a splurge that I love to make on my children’s birthdays because I think that they make for a perfect finishing touch. I love seeing my kid’s friends open their bags with excitement as they pull out their cookie to show their parents. It’s always a huge hit!

Cookies we made by The Sugar Jar.
CLICK HERE to be directed to her Facebook Page.

We ordered pizza through the Sky High Sports service and I brought my own juice. I feel terrible loading up kids with pizza, cake, AND highly processed sugary drinks so I brought Honest Kids fruit juice pouches. However, just this week I partnered up with Vita Coco Kids, and would've loved to have brought that instead. More potassium, elecrolytes and more. Either way, I am a fan of them both.

For the cake:
We used the same folks that made Bryce's WWE cake to make Brayden's cake. I found this exact cake model on Pinterest. See it HERE.
I sent the pic to our cake maker, Panaderia Monarca, and said she'd rather do it in buttercream than fondant so that's what we went with. It turned out great and most importantly Brayden loved it!
It's other amazing bloggers on Pinterest that have helped me tremendosly when planning my children's birthday parties. My hope it that this post helps someone else that is running around like a crazy person trying to figure out how to host and Jurassic World/Park party.
Much love reader!!!