Life Lately...
Life has been a whirlwind of exciting changes lately, both professionally and personally.
What I Ate Today On A Regular Macro Day | FASTer Way To Fat Loss Food Log
I've explained how I carb-cycle in a recent blog post, but what does a Low-Carb or a Regular Macro Day typically look like? Last week I...
10 Keto Snacks That Combat Cravings - Part 2
Sweet Cravings Last week I shared five of my go-to snacks that nix salty/savory cravings. Today, let's talk about squashing sugary-sweet...
10 Keto Snacks That Combat Cravings - Part 1
Summer is just around the corner which means we parents are about to be BUSY! And if your summer break doesn't consist of driving your...
How to Get Back on Track After a Binge Weekend
Halloween candy get the best of you too? Whether it was a holiday, a birthday, a vacation or even just that time of the month, there are...
Ring in the New Year with These 5 Goal Setting Tips
As you’re sitting down and plan your 2019 goals, consider this... Let me start by saying I’m a huge fan of New Years resolutions; I’m pro...
Flat Belly Summer Guide
There is literally nothing worse than feeling like you’ve got to suck in your belly when you’re supposed to be enjoying a summer...
5 Fitness Tips For Your New Year
Back in January, I did an IG "Take-Over" on Houston Moms Blog Instagram Stories. Halfway through my morning I thought it would be a...