Life Lately...
Life has been a whirlwind of exciting changes lately, both professionally and personally. From thrilling business developments and our oldest's graduation to my latest favorite workout gear and a new brand partnership, I'm eager to share these updates and how you can join me for online fitness coaching this Fall!
1. New Favorite Piece of Workout Equipment: Zelus Weighted Vest
Walking with a weighted vest has been a game-changer for me. If fitting more steps into your day is difficult and running isn’t your thing, try adding a weighted vest to your routine to increase your fitness capacity without the impact. Mine weighs 4-10 pounds, and I’m working up to the 11-20 pounder. I’m burning at least 100 extra calories a day just by adding the vest to my evening walks.

2. Exciting New Brand Partner: UDX UNDRDOG Athletix
I’m thrilled to share our newest brand partner, UDX UNDRDOG Athletix. What does UNDRDOG stand for? Underestimated Never Defeated Remain Dependent On God. If you have young athletes, like me, looking for athletic sportswear that represents Christian values, look no further than UNDRDOG Athletix. Our son, Brayden, wore a wristband at this year’s Spring Football Game to declare that he plays for an audience of one (see pic). #BringHimGlory
Check out and support all our partners [HERE], and be sure to take advantage of our discount codes!
Save 15% on all UDX purchases by using our link.
3. Our Oldest Just Graduated High School!
Our oldest just graduated high school and is heading to college later this summer. We’re about to experience the fun adventures and challenges that come with moving our baby out from under our roof. This fall you'll find us road-tripping north to watch him play Saturday football.

4. Launching Soon: SHRED YOUR MUSCLE 12-Week Muscle Building Program
The most exciting change or addition to our Shed ‘n Shred business is our new “Shred Your Muscle” 12-week muscle-building program for women, launching early this fall! You’ll have free access to all the workouts on YouTube, and I’ll be doing the workouts right alongside you. I’ve had so many clients, friends, and family members ask for real-time workouts, and my schedule finally allows me to provide this amazing resource to you. The full program will be available for download on my site. I’ve never been this proud or excited about a program before, and I have no doubt you will love it too.
Mark your calendar: we launch on SEPTEMBER 9!!!
More details to come! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter if you want to know when it drops.
5. On-boarding New Clients for FASTer Way to Fat Loss Programming
I’m now on-boarding new FASTer Way to Fat Loss clients quarterly. My last two opportunities for 2024 are on 9/23 and 11/4. If macro guidance and food support are important to you, I highly suggest opting into one of these 6-week sessions. I’ll have 2025 dates available in December.
Message me at if you're interested in signing up for an upcoming course.
Also, if you've worked in the Health & Fitness field before and are looking for a way to help others live a healthier lifestyle, I would love to show you how you could become a FASTer Way Coach.

