Valentine's Day "Breakfast in Bed"
Make no mistake about it! These waffles are meant to be enjoyed on special occassions; not every morning! We've made them as healthy as...
Is Strength Training ‘Ok’ For My Children?
Weight-Lifting and Powerlifting seem to be a lot more common in the adolescence aged children now-a-days. Perhaps, because of the...
5-Days Squeezed
I’ve had multiple clients in the past several months ask me what I thought about the Squeezed Detox and if I should put them on it. A bit...
Bosu Buns & Core
The Bosu offers your body a great source of instability forcing you to use your stabilizer muscles. These three exercises will work your...
Workout With Houston's Hottest Bootcamps
Shed 'n Shred would like to thank you for coming out to our combined-bootcamp event that we had on Sat, January 24th. It was a cold...
Top 3 Rock-Hard Booty Exercises
This is the "Year of the Booty" according to Glamour Magazine. It's pretty obvious why... Have you seen JLO & Iggy's latest music video...
Your Children’s Vision Board
Whether you are one that aims to accomplish big dreams each New Year or you simply take each day as a new opportunity to reach stars,...
HiL's Top 20 Hit List
All it takes is a good song to get you through an extra set of lifts or that last mile run. Here are the songs that give me that edge...
December's Move of the Month
Earlier this month I sent out a newsletter with December's Move of the Month. In case you missed it, here it is: "Plank Vacuums". To do...