Baby (Girl) Shower DIY

One of my best friends in this world ((Michelle)) is also having a girl! Her little angel is due Jan 2016. I was honored to be one of the hosts of her baby shower and I wanted to share with you the crafts I made for her special event.
Let me start by saying that NONE of these were my ideas!
Where I got the ideas...
Wreath: Etsy
Pin Cup: Pinterest
Book: Friend
I was one out of five hosts for Michelle's shower and my responsibilities were: yard sign (I made a wreath instead) and the sign-in book. So let me break down what you will need and how to create each of them.
no1- Hydrangea Wreath
We used the wreath for the front door to help her guests easily find the house. I'd like to consider myself a little bit crafty, but my busy schedule keeps me from diving into it more. I saw this wreath on Etsy and wanted to make one myself. After searching on YouTube and Pinterest for ways to make a hydrangea wreath using a wire wreath frame, I was disappointed that there was NOTHING to be found. So, I just started playing around with the wreath until I got exactly what I wanted. I honestly wasn't expecting this wreath to be the success that it I wish that I had taken more pics to show you the step-by-step. Email if you are interested in a video on this. I would love to make one.
What you will need:
1. Faux (or real) Hydrangea Flowers. The amount of flowers you'll need all depends on the size wreath frame you get and how full you want it to look. I used a 20" wire wreath and used 5 pink and 5 white faux flowers = 1 bundle of each.
2. Wire Wreath Frame. I used a 20" frame.
4. Floral Wire.
5. Ribbon. I ended up needing (2) 1/3" Pink Satin Ribbon rolls.
***I bought everything used to make this wreath at Hobby Lobby. Best prices!

Step 1:
Start wrapping your ribbon of choice around your wire frame. You'll want to hot glue your ribbon every quarter of the way around to make sure that the ribbon stays tight and secure.
Step 2:
Once you have completely covered your wire wreath with ribbon and secured the end with hot glue, you are now ready to add the flowers. You will need to cut the hydrangea off the flower stem. I also cut two leaves to attach to each flower (this is completely optional). Next, wedge the flower through a spot on the wreath where you would like to start. For this, you will need to move the ribbon aside so the stem goes all the way through the wire wreath. Using your floral wire you need to use creativity to secure the flower onto the wire wreath. The floral wire is really easy to hide under the ribbon once the flower is secure.
Look at the picture below to see how easy it is to hide the stem and the wire. I love this because I really wanted the back of the wreath to be as beautiful as the front.

Step 3:
Continue securing flowers all the way around your wreath making sure that you are evenly alternating between white and pink.
The final product should look something like this...

Final Back...

no2- Sign-in Book
This idea I got from a friend, but I had to run with my imagination on how I wanted this to look.
What you will need:
2. LOTS of stickers!!! I think I bought 8-10 pages. This gets pricey, but worth the money spent!
3. Ultrasound picture. I asked Michelle to email me one so it was already in the book before the shower.
4. Polaroid Camera (yes, they still sell these believe it or not!) I borrowed this one from a friend, but they are sold at Michael's.
5. Lots of film!!!

Step 1:
This scrapbook had a plain cover so I added these adorable stickers to the front. You can have as much fun as you want to with the front.
Step 2:
Let me explain how this works...As the creator of this project, I find it best that I stand at the entry of the baby shower and help the guests sign-in.
Each guest:
-Gets their picture taken with the polaroid camera
-Sticks the picture to the scrapbook with a sticker that they love
-Then writes a note to the mommy-to-be
I recommend that you already stick your picture and write your note so the guests easily get the idea.

This was her sign-in table...

no 3- Pen Cup Holder
What you will need:
1. Mason Jar (1)
3. Ribbon 5/8"

Step 1:
Paint your mason jar pink. I used Americana (brand) Acrylic Paint "Baby Pink".
Step 2:
Tie a your ribbon around the top of your mason jar. Be sure to include your pacifier!
Step 3:
Wrap 1 flower around each fine point Sharpie, securing it with the floral tape.
Bravo! You're done! Sweet and simple.

Thank you for taking the time to check out these crafts. I'll be working on more for the future. I'm already starting to plan out some crafts for my own baby shower. Blog post to come!