Growing Pains- Third Trimester
Oh wow! This pregnancy has been far the most humbling experience of my life!

Weight Training- forget about it!
Walking (or should I say waddling)- OUCH!
Running errands- a workout in itself!
Cleaning house- hmm maybe, but what are we talking about here? Wipe down the tables? Okay, doable.
Sleeping- none existent!
Can any of you relate to any of these?
When your pregnancy takes over your whole body, what can you do?
Well, that's the situation I am currently in and these are just a few things that I'm doing to help make these last few days of pregnancy as enjoyable as possible.
1. Take a bath! That's right, go pick yourself up some Lavender Epsom Bath Salt. I found my salt at Sprouts Market, but there are different varieties sold everywhere.
***This has been my secret to getting rid of swelling.
2. Stretch!
A few of my favorite yoga poses:
Downward Dog (calf focused- great if you are doing a lot of walking)
Pigeon Pose (glute focused)
Reverse Warrior (leg strengthener and back stretch)
Warrior II (hip and groin stretch)
Lotus Pose (I added a neck stretch into the Lotus- groin/neck focus)
***Take your time settling into each pose. Hold each one for already 3 deep breaths.
-Side note: I'm not a yogi, just someone that loves the yoga practice and have carefully selected the poses that work best for me and my current limitations. Listen to your body and/or sign up for a local prenatal yoga class. It's really worth going to a professional so they can take a look at your form and help assist your positioning.
3. Stay Hydrated. Doesn't sound very glamorous, but it can be. I'm not sure what it is, but when I drink a hot cup of RaspBelly Tea before bed I fall asleep faster and wake up more rested. I also find that drinking water throughout the day that has been infused with freshly squeezed lemon very hydrating. As a matter of fact studies show that infused water is very alkalizing.
If you are in the Houston Area I recommend: Squeezed Infused Water.
***Strawberry Lemon is LIFE!
***If you are more hydrated you will have less swelling thus making your day-to-day a lot more enjoyable.
I'd love to hear how you cope with the final weeks.
Email me at:
Congrats on your bun in the oven and thank you for stopping by! I hope that you'll stay in touch with me on social media.
Yoga Workout Outfit by: Mumberry Fit
Mat Used in Yoga Poses: MobileMat