Valentine's Day "Breakfast in Bed"
Make no mistake about it! These waffles are meant to be enjoyed on special occassions; not every morning! We've made them as healthy as we could while still keeping them DELICIOUS!

Devin Strahan is a really great friend of mine. We worked together at a gym in Houston years back and have remained close ever since. I continued on my journey to help people get lean and healthy while Devin branched off to follow his true passion of becoming and chef. That is exactly what he did! Yep, he is now Chef Devin Strahan!
As I was brain-strorming about putting together some great recipe videos for my YouTube channel, I immediately thought of Devin. He and I are a handful when we're together and was confident that we could come up with simple, healthy, and DELICIOUS recipes for the every day person.
Watch the whole video NOW!
As a reminder I have posted some taste bud-tingling pics to remind you of your 3 delicious options...

Dig in and ENJOY!
With Love Forever,
Hilary Hall