"Get Fit Guac"
You guys, I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this recipe we created and I'll tell you why. Not only because it's DeLiCiOuS, but also because it makes for the perfect BYOD (bring your own dish) to summer parties.
We wanted to pump this recipe out to you ASAP in hopes that you are able to take it with you to a Memorial Day Party.

4 Avocados, pitted and peeled
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Lime Juice
1 Garlic Clove, minced
½ Cup loosely packed Cilantro
½ teaspoon Ground Coriander
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tomato, chopped (optional)
2 Tablespoon Salsa
1-2 teaspoon Mrs. Dash (Southern Chipotle Flavor)
Sea Salt & Pepper to taste
1.) In a large bowl mix together and mash well all 8 ingredients leaving half an avocado to the side.
2.) Put mashed guacamole into serving bowl then slice the remaining avocado half into thin slices and place across the top.
3.) Drizzle with salsa and the topping seasonings to taste. Enjoy guilt free!!
*For those who like their guacamole more chunky ease up on the mashing ;)

My husband and I like big chunks of avocado in our guacamole, but the beauty in this recipe it that you can truly make it to your own texture liking.
Chips can be a very tricky thing to purchase. One of the things I love to do is cut organic corn tortillas into 4-parts and bake them on high-heat (around 375-400 degrees) until they get crispy. This works exceptionally well!
However, I know that there are a lot of parties that you may be getting invited to and I wanted to use something more realistic and conveinent. I found these delicious chips called Garden of Eatin' at my local Krogers. They are a little high in fat from the sunflower oil used to cook them, but other than that these chips consist of only THREE ingredients. Yes, 3! Organic yellow corn, sunflower oil and sea salt. That's a winner to me!
Your Rule of Thumb when buying anything processed... Make sure you can read the ingredients!!!
Keridon and I couldn't resist the taste-test!
We are so grateful for your support! Take this recipe along with you on Monday and let us know how your family/friends like it.
Happy Memorial Day!
Live Healthy,