Ballin' Like A Motha'
Three Exercises To Do With A Basketball If you want to be 'Ballin' Like A Motha' just grab one of the balls from out of the trunk of your car and do some playing yourself while the kids tackle the playground.
Trainers: These are also great to implement into a Boot Camp Workout.
Move #1
(1 Minute, 3 Sets)
Reach Ball Towards Each Foot- while tightening up your stomach each time
Lunge Forward with one leg and scoop the ball from the INSIDE of your leg to the OUTSIDE of your leg. Repeat other leg
Wrap Ball Around your Waist (just looks cool). Repeat.
Move #2
(1 Minute, 3 Sets)
1 Squat
4 Giant Steps
4 Mountain Climbers
Move #3
(30 Seconds/ea Leg, 3 Sets)
1-Leg Tuck w/ Donkey Kick
These exercises are not for the weary! They're tough, but I'm confident that you're up for the challenge.
If you like this style of workout and want to see more. please take a second and send me a quick message letting me know. Thanks! Always listening.
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